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The Challenges of the World of Self-Help Messaging When you are Managing a Narcissistic Relationship (APRIL 2024)
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Journal Prompts (April 1, 3, and 5)
Journal Prompt: What does self-help mean to you? (04/01/24) (1:41)
Journal Prompt: What worked? What didn't? (04/03/24) (1:59)
Journal Prompt: Barriers to implementing self-help advice (04/05/24) (2:24)
Journal Prompts (April 8, 10, and 12)
Journal Prompt: Have you tried self-help strategies in your narcissistic relationship? (04/08/24) (2:54)
Journal Prompt: Barriers to integrating self-care (04/10/24) (3:23)
Journal Prompt: (04/12/24) (3:55)
Journal Prompts (April 15, 17, and 19)
Journal Prompt: Have you tried to use relationship advice in a narcissistic relationship? (04/15/24) (3:03)
Journal Prompt: What aspects of self-care do you want to build into your life? (04/17/24) (4:54)
Journal Prompt: Were you ever told you were selfish for engaging in self-care? (04/19/24) (4:10)
Workshop: (Saturday, April 20th @ 9:00am PT)
Event info (91:19)
Journal Prompts (April 22, 24, and 26)
Journal Prompt: Models of self-care growing up (04/22/24) (3:40)
Journal Prompt: Being told to change how you think (04/24/24) (5:00)
Journal Prompt: Stress and coping skills (04/26/24) (3:34)
April BONUS Journal Prompt (2:15)
Guided Meditation: Caring for yourself as you navigate healing (Fri, April 26th @ 11:30am PT)
Event info
Copy of Event info (13:59)
Community Q&A: Is there something between radical acceptance and magic smoothies to get to healing and balance? (Tues, April 30 @ 12pm PT)
Event info (96:58)
Journal Prompt: What aspects of self-care do you want to build into your life? (04/17/24)
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