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Empathy (OCTOBER 2024)
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Journal Prompts (September 30, Oct 2, and Oct 4)
Journal Prompt: What does empathy mean to you? (09/30/24) (1:57)
Journal Prompt: Do you identify as an empathic person? (10/02/24) (2:02)
Journal Prompt: Empathy often gets misread in the narcissistic relationship (10/04/24) (3:13)
Guided Meditation: The Sensation of Empathy (Saturday, Oct 5 @ 11:00am PT)
Event Info (17:33)
Journal Prompts (Oct 7 and 11)
Journal Prompt: In narcissistic family systems empathy is variable at best (10/07/24) (4:22)
No Journal Prompt on Oct 9
Journal Prompt: How has empathy reinforced the trauma bond for you? (10/11/24) (3:14)
Workshop: The Three-Way Street of Empathy and Your Healing (Sunday, Oct 13 @ 9:00am PT)
Event info (109:59)
Journal Prompts (October 14, 16, and 18)
Journal Prompt: Have you ever identified as an “empath”? (10/14/24) (3:12)
Journal Prompt: How has being empathic served as a safety response and behavior for you? (10/16/24) (3:07)
Journal Prompt: Do you fear that you have lost your empathy as a result of being in a narcissistic relationship? (10/18/24) (2:59)
Office Hours with Dr. Ramani (For community members only) (Thursday, Oct 17 at 12PM)
Event Info
Journal Prompts (October 21, 23, and 25)
Journal Prompt: Empathy vs. compassion vs. sympathy vs. pity vs. love – which do you think you have experienced in your narcissistic relationship? (10/21/24) (3:54)
Journal Prompt: Feeling that you have lost all empathy for the narcissistic person can lead to a cascade of feelings (10/23/24) (3:03)
Journal Prompt: Empathy fatigue, compassion fatigue, are all common in narcissistic relationships (10/25/24) (2:57)
Community Q&A: “Maybe I am the one who doesn’t have enough empathy?” (Tuesday, Oct 22 @ 9:00am PT)
Event info (104:50)
Journal Prompts (October 28, 30, and November 1)
Journal Prompt: A big part of healing is discernment – empathy can make that feel challenging (10/28/24) (3:41)
Journal Prompt: How has your thinking on empathy shifted because of being in a narcissistic relationship? (10/30/24) (3:06)
Journal Prompt: Who are the empathic people that you know and spend time with? (11/01/24) (3:53)
Journal Prompt: How has being empathic served as a safety response and behavior for you? (10/16/24)
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