Welcome to the community!
One of the most common refrains I hear from survivors of narcissistic abuse is how alone we feel with this. It is such a mind twisting and confusing experience that we can’t imagine anyone else would understand it, let alone is going through it. And yet, there are millions who are. The community group is a place to witness the stories of others, to share if you choose, to learn from others, and to be a supporter in whatever way feels safe and helpful. You can share content that has been helpful for you, whatever fosters community (we do ask that you do not use this as a marketplace to sell services or other items). Empathy is an ESSENTIAL ingredient for healing, and building community is one way to foster that. The community group is something you interact with as you see fit – some of you may just want to do the courses and don’t want to participate in the community, others may find it to be as robust as the courses themselves. Nobody should have to navigate the mean streets of narcissistic abuse alone, our hope is that this community space, which we will be moderating, is a place for you to learn, grow, heal, and learn above all else, that you are not alone.
Getting Started
It may take up to 24-hrs after signing up for this program for you to receive
login credentials for the community platform.