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Finding Your Own Light and Extinguishing the Gaslight (NOVEMBER 2023)
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Journal Prompts (October 30, November 1 and 3))
Journal Prompt: When gaslighting has impacted you most profoundly (10/30/23) (2:23)
Journal Prompt: How has gaslighting impacted your healing? (11/01/23) (2:27)
Journal Prompt: What have you learned from gaslighting? (11/03/23) (2:17)
Journal Prompts (November 6, 8, and 10)
Journal Prompt: Calling Out the Gaslighter (11/06/23) (3:26)
Journal Prompt: Gaslight response behaviors (11/08/23) (3:27)
Journal Prompt: Self-gaslighting (11/10/23) (3:01)
Journal Prompts (November 13, 15, and 17)
Journal Prompt: Impact of self-gaslighting (11/13/23) (2:51)
Journal Prompt: Gaslighted by a 3rd party (11/15/23) (3:35)
Journal Prompt: Gaslighted by a group (11/17/23) (3:16)
Workshop: Embracing Reality and Yourself: Getting Ungaslighted (Sat, November 18th at 9:00am PT)
Event description, zoom info, and other details (103:34)
Journal Prompts (November 20, 22, and 24)
Journal Prompt: Impact of being gaslighted by gaslighted by groups or by third parties (11/20/23) (3:22)
Journal Prompt: Gaslighted by a health care professional or therapist (11/22/23) (3:29)
Journal Prompt: Gaslighting about infidelity or cheating (11/24/23) (3:21)
Guided Meditation: The Soothing Feeling of Your Reality (Tues, November 21st at 11:30am PT)
Event replay (21:09)
Journal Prompts (November 27, 29, and December 1)
Journal Prompt: Gaslighted in the workplace (11/27/23) (3:24)
Journal Prompt: Has anyone ever intervened for you? (11/29/23) (2:44)
Journal Prompt: Gaslighted in a spiritual space (12/01/23) (5:07)
Community Q&A: Can you really heal after years of gaslighting? (Tues, November 28th at 11:00am PT)
Event description, zoom info, and other details (103:20)
Journal Prompt: Impact of being gaslighted by gaslighted by groups or by third parties (11/20/23)
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