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Rumination: The Backbeat That Never Seems to Stop (SEPTEMBER 2023)
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This month's "little thing"
Journal Prompts (September 4, 6, and 8)
Journal Prompt: What do you most ruminate about? (09/04/23) (2:23)
Journal Prompt: Your most frequent rumination topic (09/06/23) (2:57)
Journal Prompt: Origins of rumination (09/08/23) (3:55)
Journal Prompts (September 11, 13, and 15)
Journal Prompt: How does rumination impact your life? (09/11/23) (2:42)
Journal Prompt: What have you missed out on? (09/13/23) (3:38)
Journal Prompt: How do you feel rumination physically? (09/15/23) (3:06)
Workshop: When Obsession Meets Betrayal and Injustice: Rumination in the Narcissistic Relationship (Saturday, September 16 @ 9am PT)
Event description, zoom info, and other details (90:34)
Journal Prompts (September 18, 20, and 22)
Journal Prompt: Your sleep (09/18/23) (3:39)
Journal Prompt: How has it helped you? (09/20/23) (3:24)
Journal Prompt: Other feelings related to rumination (09/22/23) (2:56)
Guided Meditation: Untying the Knot of Rumination and Freeing Yourself (Friday, September 22 @ 11:30am PT)
Event replay (23:41)
Journal Prompts (September 25, 27, and 29)
Journal Prompt: What helps with rumination? (09/25/23) (4:23)
Journal Prompt: Has your rumination ever gotten you into trouble? (09/27/23) (3:59)
Journal Prompt: How has rumination affected your healing? (09/29/23) (3:13)
Community Q&A: Maybe if we talk about it enough…It will stop? (Thursday, September 28 @ 9am PT)
Event description, zoom info, and other details (97:11)
Journal Prompt: How has it helped you? (09/20/23)
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