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Acculturation, Assimilation, Accommodation, and Adaptability (AAAA) (THIS MONTH)
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Journal Prompts (March 3, 5, and 7)
Journal Prompt: Reflect on the culture around you (03/03/25) (2:40)
Journal Prompt: Which aspects of your culture shaped you in significant ways? 03/05/25) (3:36)
Journal Prompt: If you experienced a cultural shift from childhood to adulthood, what did that feel like? what was that process like? (03/07/25) (3:47)
Workshop: "Have I Assimilated to the Narcissistic Culture?" (Saturday, March 8 @ 11:00am PT)
Event info (102:57)
Journal Prompts (March 10, 12, and 14)
Journal Prompt: Reflect on your family of origin. What was the culture there? (03/10/25) (4:39)
Journal Prompt: If you entered a narcissistic relationship in adulthood, let’s reflect on the differences between acculturation and assimilation (03/12/25) (5:11)
Guided Meditation: Being yourself within a culture that feels right (Friday, March 14 @ 11:00am PT)
Event Info
Office Hours with Dr. Ramani (For community members only) (Tuesday, March 18 at 4pm PT)
Event Info
Community Q&A: (Saturday, March 29 @ 9:00am PT)
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