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Betrayal (DECEMBER 2024)
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Workshop: Seeing Betrayal may be as Painful as Experiencing it (Monday, Dec 2 @ 11:00am PT)
Event info (101:11)
Journal Prompts (December 2, 4, and 6)
Journal Prompt: What does betrayal mean to you? (12/02/24) (2:30)
Journal Prompt: Reflect on significant betrayals in your life (12/04/24) (2:53)
Journal Prompt: What did you tell yourself about this relationship to avoid terming trust breaking events as betrayal? (12/06/24) (2:56)
Journal Prompts (December 9, 11, and 13)
Journal Prompt: Different betrayals have different impacts (12/09/24) (3:33)
Journal Prompt: Have you ever been betrayed by someone who is not narcissistic? (12/11/24) (3:13)
Journal Prompt: Did betrayal blindness arise in any of your betrayal experiences? (12/13/24) (3:26)
Office Hours with Dr. Ramani (For community members only) (Thursday, Dec 12 at 2PM)
Event Info
Journal Prompts (December 16, 18 and 20)
Journal Prompt: Did you ever view yourself as the “betrayer” in this relationship? (12/16/24) (3:36)
Journal Prompt: How has your gut worked for you in your betraying or narcissistic relationships? (12/18/24) (3:50)
Journal Prompt: How did the experience of betrayal intensify the trauma bond? (12/20/24) (3:27)
Journal Prompts (December 23, 25 and 27)
Journal Prompt: Have you ever forgiven a person who betrayed you? (12/23/24) (2:43)
Journal Prompt: Reflect on how betrayal rumination impacted your experience of narcissistic abuse (12/25/24) (3:50)
Journal Prompt: How have enablers impacted your experiences of betrayal? (12/27/24) (4:00)
Community Q&A: "Is betrayal the new normal?" (no) (Thursday, Dec 19 @ 1:00pm PT)
Event info (92:25)
Guided Meditation: Finding Safety and Trust in Yourself (Saturday, Dec 28 @ 11:00am PT)
Event Info (13:41)
Journal Prompts (December 30, January 1 and January 3)
Journal Prompt: When we are betrayed, although we are the one being harmed, we often feel a sense of shame (12/30/24) (3:46)
Journal Prompt: Has anyone ever bright sided you about a betrayal you have experienced? (01/01/25) (3:36)
Journal Prompt: What sorts of coping and healing tools have helped you with your process of recovering after narcissistic betrayal? (01/03/25) (3:09)
Journal Prompt: Have you ever experienced Institutional Betrayal (01/04/25) (4:55)
Journal Prompt: What did you tell yourself about this relationship to avoid terming trust breaking events as betrayal? (12/06/24)
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